CExchange is THE expert in electronics
buyback and recommerce, period.

Our technology and service offerings support many of the world’s largest and most respected retail brands. We have rich insights into the market that are derived from a broad cross-section of consumers and venues.

Contact us for information on developing a custom solution for your company


CExchange has over ten years' experience in providing best-in-class trade-in solutions to leading retailers and carriers.

Reverse and Forward Logistics

Logistics are foundational to our corporate DNA, and core to the value we bring to our partners' supply chains.

Refurbish and Repair

Whether as a service or supplementary to our own liquidation, repair and refurb help us extract maximal value from our supply stream.

Returns and Overstock Liquidation

Our mastery of and fluidity between both D2C and B2B channels tangibly simplifies and strengthens return flows for our partners.

Compliance Management

With detailed data on thousands of jurisdictions nationwide, we help tame the beast of regulatory impacts to retail reverse programs.

Driving Your Business Is Our Primary Goal

We bring a customer-focused, data driven, and promotional mindset to your business. We believe in collaborating to build programs that create shared value and shared risk. Our experience in driving and growing consumer businesses, building lasting relationships to create long-term value, as well as expertly handling the entire reverse side of the business– all of this makes us unique.

And standing up any new partnership requires technical collaboration. When it comes to speed-to-market and flexibility, our commitment is to never let implementation be an obstacle to forward progress. Your solution will work in a way that compliments your existing supply chain, and won’t impinge on realizing short-term ROI. Our motto is: You’ll never be waiting on us.