
Complementary capabilities for the reverse universe
Founded in 2006 with a focus on consumer electronics trade-in, CExchange has organically evolved all of the following service offerings as a means of fostering a symbiotic ecosystem of solutions that supports our customers’ sales and returns businesses.


We bring significant experience, having served over 40 partners in both carrier and retail channels, both online and through brick-and-mortar operations that span thousands of stores. Our direct-to-consumer selling expertise creates higher trade-in values for the devices we process, and our experienced retail experts promulgate a promotional mindset to fuel your acquisition of new customers. With integrated logistics, regulatory compliance, inventory tracking, and robust reporting, CExchange can build a custom trade-in solution that integrates as deeply as you need it to.

Reverse and Forward Logistics

Selected by several of the most respected manufacturers in the world, CExchange has proven that we can build custom programs to process and efficiently handle both ends of the logistics needs of any tech company. From bulk processing, to individual receipts and drop ship programs, domestic or global, we've done it all.

Refurbish and Repair

The heritage of our company is as a refurbishing and repair company. We have been awarded significant contracts from highly respected names in the tech industry as their main source for revitalizing returns and defective merchandise. Our services include repair and refurbishment, advanced diagnostics and fraud detection, direct customer care, advance exchange, and forward and reverse processing of merchandise.

Returns and Overstock Liquidation

CExchange has a deep background in selling both direct-to-consumer across many channels, as well as moving products wholesale. We use our proprietary market analytics to determine the highest recovery channel for the products we process. Using a turnkey system of repair, refurbish, kitting, and selling, our team can deliver the best value for your goods.

Compliance Management

Monitoring over 6,800 municipalities for compliance with second hand trade laws is no easy task, but we deliver flawlessly with the same compliance group that has earned us multiple industry certifications across some of the toughest disciplines. We also manage all aspects of the licensing process, including integration to third-party law enforcement repositories. All of this data informs user experience at the local level through seamless integration with our front-end portals, minimzing training cycles for your associates.